The following clubs are currently affiliated to GASRPC:

Bristol Aero Memorial Rifle & Pistol Club - BAWA, 589 Southmead Road, Filton, Bristol, BS34 7RG

Bristol Invicta

Chippenham Rifle & Pistol Club

Cirencester & District Air Rifle & Pistol Club 

Cotswold Rifle and Pistol Club - Bingham Hall, King Street, Cirencester, Glos, GL7 1JT

Down Hatherley Rifle Club

Dursley Rifle & Pistol Club 

East Bristol Rifle & Pistol Club - Bryford House, Edford Green, Holcombe, BA3 5DB

EDF Energy R&PC

Four by Two Rifle & Pistol Club

Glevum Target & Sports Club


Herefordshire Breech-loading Rifle Association

Homme Green Rifle Club

Innsworth Shooting Club

Leonard Stanley Rifle & Pistol Club

National Crossbow Federation

Pipers Shooting Club

Ross on Wye Target Shooting Club

St Nicholas RPC

Steelers Shooting Club

Taunton Rifle Club

Tetbury Rifle & Pistol Club

UK Benchrest